To continue with our day-to-day vocabulary, we'll be talking about food and cooking. We'll get started with the names of some of the ingredientes we need to prepare a meal. This includes vegetables and fruits, meat, dairy products and seasonings.
In this list, we'll learn vegetables (vegetales or verduras) in Spanish. Vegetables names are quite different in Spanish-speaking countries, so you'll have to learn various words or choose the one you'll most likely be using.
If you'd like to add another word, or would like to add the translations used in your country, let me know.
Bulb and Stem Vegetables
Asparagus acutifolius
- Espárrago (All Spanish-Speaking Countries)
Apium graveolens
- Apio (All Spanish-Speaking Countries)
Allium schoenoprasum
- Ciboulette (Argentina)
- Cebollino y Cebolleta (Spain)
- Cebollín (Guatemala)
- Ajo de España
Allium sativum
- Ajo (All Spanish-Speaking Countries)
Allium ampeloprasum var. porrum
- Puerro (All Spanish-Speaking Countries)
- Porro
- Ajo porro
Allium cepa
- Cebolla (All Spanish-Speaking Countries)
Rheum rhabarbarum
- Ruibarbo (All Spanish-Speaking Countries)
Allium oschaninii / Allium ascalonicum
- Echalote (Argentina)
- Chalote, Escalonia (Spain)
Allium fistulosum
- Cebollín
- Cebolleta
- Cebolla China
- Cebolla de verdeo
Root and tuberous vegetables
BEET (AKA Beetroot)
Beta vulgaris
- Remolacha (Guatemala, Spain)
- Betabel (Mexico)
- Beterava (Argentina)
- Betarraga (Honduras)
Daucus carota
- Zanahoria (All Spanish-Speaking Countries)
- Carlota (Some regions in Spain)
Manihot esculenta
- Yuca (Mexico, Guatemala)
- Mandioca (Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay)
- Casava (Cuba)
Sechium edule
- Chinta, Chintla (El Salvador)
- Echinta, patastilla (Honduras)
- Ichintal (Guatemala)
- raíz de chayote (Panamá
Zingiber officinale
- Jengibre (All Spanish-Speaking Countries)
Solanum tuberosum
- Patata (Spain)
- Papa (Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Paraguay, Guatemala)
- Bolivia has chuño and tunta. It is a small kind of potato.
Raphanus sativus
- Rábanos (Spain, Guatemala, Mexico)
- Rabanitos (Argentina)
Ipomoea batatas
- Camote (Central America, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Philipines, Argentina)
- Batata (Argentina, Uruguay, Nicaragua)
- Boniato (Argentina, Uruguay, Spain)
- Patata dulce (España)
- Papa dulce, kumara (Perú)
- Moniato (Mexico, España)
Colocasia esculenta
- Ñampi (Honuras, Costa Rica, Panama)
- Quequeshque verde (El Salvador)
Brassica oleraceae var. caulorapa / Brassica napus var. napobrassica
- Nabo (Guatemala)
- Nabicol, navicol, colinabo o rutabaga
- Ñame (All Spanish-Speaking Countries)
Fruiting and Flowering Vegetables
ARTICHOKE (AKA Globe artichoke)
Cynara scolymus
- Alcaucil (Argentina)
- Alcachofa (Guatemala)
Persea americana
- Aguacate (Mexico, Central America, Spain, Cuba)
- Palta (South America)
- Avocado (Philipines)
Sechium edule
- Chayote (Spain)
- Güisquil (Mexico, Central America)*
- Pataste (Honduras)
- Chayota (Venezuela)
- Cidrayota (Colombia)
- Gayota (Peru)
- Tayota (República Dominicana)
- Papa del aire, Cayota (Argentina)
- Guisayote, Tayote, Chocho y Acayote
* In Guatemala and Honduras, he dark green variety is labeled güisquil, the yellowish-white variety perulero and the more common light-green variety pataste.
Cucumis sativus
- Pepino (All Spanish-Speaking Countries)
- Cohombro (El Salvador)
Solanum melongena
- Berenjena (All Spanish-Speaking Countries)
Physalis ixocarpa / Physalis philadelphica
- Miltomate (Guatemala, El Salvador) * In Honduras, miltomate is cherry tomato.
- Tomatillo (Argentina, Chile, Honduras) *In Guatemala, El Salvador, Panamá and Costa Rica, tomatillo is cherry tomato.
- Tomate de cáscara, tomate de fresadilla, tomate milpero, tomate verde, farolito (Mexico)
- Topetón (Panamá
- Tomate (Mexico). In this case the tomato is called jitomate.
Pachyrhizus tuberosus
- Jícama (All Spanish-Speaking Countries)
Cucurbita maxima
- Calabaza (Spain and Central America)
- Auyama (Colombia, Venezuela)
- Zapallo (Argentina)
- Ayote (Honduras)
- Güicoy (Guatemala)
- Zapallito (Costa Rica, El Salvador)
- Ayotillo (Honduras)
- Chilacayote (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador)
- Cidra Cayote (Spain)
- Chivere (Costa Rica)
- Chivero ( Honduras)
- Chiverra (Panamá)
- Alcayote (Colombia, Argentina)
- Ayote (Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras)
- Pipián (Nicaragua)
- Zapallo (Panamá)
Cucurbita pepo
CHILACAYOTE (AKA Fingerleaf gourd, Squash)
Cucurbita ficifolia
AYOTE (A variety of Pumpkin)
Cucurbita argyrosperma / Cucurbita mixta
Zea mays
- Choclo (Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia)
- Jojoto (Venezuela)
- Elote (Mexico and Central America)
- Jilote (El Salvador, Cuba)
- Chilote (Cuba)
- Maíz tierno o fresco (Spain)
- Maíz nuevo (Panamá)
Capsicum var. grossum
- Chile pimiento (Guatemala)
- Chile dulce (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras)
- Chiltomo (Nicaragua)
- Pimiento (Mexico, Argentina, Spain)
- Morrón (Argentina)
- Ají dulce
Solanum lycopersicum / Lycopersicon esculentun
- Tomate (Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Guatemala, Spain)
- Jitomate (México). In this case, tomate is tomatillo.
- Tomate Cherry (Guatemala)
- Tomatillo (Guatemala, El Salvador, Panamá) *In other countries, tomatillo is ground cherry
- Tomatillo silvestre ( Costa Rica)
- Miltomate (Honduras) *Notice that miltomate means ground cherry in Guatemala and El Salvador
- Tomate de gallina (Nicaragua) .
Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme / Lycopersicon esculentun var. cerasiforme
Cucurbita pepo
- Calabacín (Spain)
- Zucchini (Argentina)
- Zapallito italiano
Leafy and salad vegetables
Medicago sativa
- Alfalfa (All Spanish-Speaking Countries)
Beta vulgaris var. cicla
- Acelga (All Spanish-Speaking Countries)
- Hojas de remolacha
Lepidium sativum
- Berro (All Spanish-Speaking Countries)
Cichorium endivia
- Endivia, Endibia
Lactuca sativa
- Lechuga (All Spanish-Speaking Countries)
- Lechuga Romana (All Spanish-Speaking Countries)
Lactuca sativa L. var. longifolia
Portulaca oleracea
- Verdolaga (All Spanish-Speaking Countries)
Spinacia oleracea
- Espinaca (All Spanish-Speaking Countries)
Western Brassicas
Brassica oleracea var. italica
- Bróculi (Argentina, Central America) - We pronounce it 'brócoli'
- Brécol (Spain)
Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera
- Repollitos de Bruselas (Argentina, Guatemala)
- Coles de Bruselas (Spain)
- Repollo Chino (El Salvador) *In other countries, repollo chino is Chinese cabbage
Brassica oleraceae var. viridis and var. capitata
- Repollo (All Spanish-Speaking Countries)
- Col (Used in Spain along with repollo)
Brassica rapa
- Repollo Chino (All Spanish-Speaking Countries) * In El Salvador, repollo chino means brussel sprouts.
Brassica oleraceae var. botrytis
- Coliflor (All Spanish-Speaking Countries)
Capparis spinosa
- Alcaparra
Green beans are the unripe fruits of any kind of bean.
- Judías verdes (Spain)
- Chauchas (South America)
- Ejote (Mexico and Central America)
- Porotos Verdes
- Vainitas
- Habichuela tierna
Olea europaea
- Aceituna, Oliva
For more food-related vocabulary, check these other posts:
Fruits | Dairy Products | Seasonings | Cereals, Beans, Nuts and other Seeds | Meat (Coming soon!)
Updated article. April 12th. 2007.
This list was prepared by the members of the Spanish-English interchange group. There are people from Latin America, Spain, the US and the UK. Thanks guys!
Thanks for this useful list!
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